Hurricane Katrina Displaced Persons Fund
Grant Award Detail
Name of Organization: The Center, Inc. Services
What is the Challenge?
The Center, Inc., founded in 1982, provides adult health care services for elderly and disabled adults in East Baton Rouge Parish. The devastation of Katrina has greatly increased the need for such services in our community. The Center understands the estrangement and isolation associated with abrupt relocation. These challenges are exacerbated by the compromised physical and mental conditions of the elderly and the disabled, who require a higher level of support.
What is the Response from the Foundation?
The Baton Rouge Area Foundation has provided The Center, Inc. with a $149,175 grant to provide adult health care services to 30 elderly and disabled evacuees housed in emergency and commercial group sites, and private homes throughout East Baton Rouge Parish. With the grant, The Center will provide these displaced residents with off-site daycare, daily medical monitoring, counseling and social services, meals, transportation, supervision, and leisure activities.
What are the Restrictions/Conditions?
Grantees acknowledges that any funds received from federal or state entities as reimbursements for materials or services funded with this grant shall offset this grant, and such monies will be returned to the Foundation. The Baton Rouge Area Foundation will provide technical assistance to Grantees filing reimbursement applications.